About In Bob We Trust



Welcome to In Bob We Trust. By some freak occurence, you've found yourself here at my little corner of the global wasteland known as the internet. At this point, you're probably wondering who the hell I am and what you're doing here. This is also the point at which it's my job to convince you to stick around, and I probably have only a short time to do so.

To begin with, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Robert Lewis. Throughout my life, I've always been a writer. That's my greatest passion. But I've always had an uncontrollable urge to soak up as much knowledge as I can (on as many topics as I can) and to share that knowledge with others.

This brings us to this website. For the time being, this website will feature primarily my own writings on any number of subjects. Eventually, I'd also like to branch off and feature guest writers. After all, one can't get an education by reading only a single author. I like to study a wide range of topics, but my area of expertise is more narrow, so hopefully experts from other fields will lend us their knowledge in the near future.

To give you some idea of what kinds of information you'll find here, the best thing to do will be just to dive in and look around. While you're at it, you'll find reviews of books and movies of all genres, as well as articles covering as many subjects as I can manage.

As far as fiction is concerned, I'm primarily a horror fan, but I have very eclectic tastes. The reader of horror will certianly find a lot to enjoy around here, but I think there should be something for everyone (my bookshelves contain everything from Stephen King to Charles Dickens). The same thing is true also for movies. I like a little of everything, so there will be a little of everthing here on the website.

Non-fiction on the website will cover a wide range of topics, from science to history to politics to religion, you name it. I've always been interested in a wide variety of subjects, and the website should demonstrate that. Primarily, my interest is in educating people on frauds, hoaxes, and just plain stupid ideas. Believe me, there's a lot of humbug out there, and I won't rest until I've exposed it.

Just know that these articles won't be unbiased. I always try to consider every point of view when studying any topic, but I don't write just to inform. I write to inform and to persuade. And I'm passionate enough about these topics that I won't hold back when exposing liars, cheats, fakes, swindlers, con-men, or politicians for what they really are.

If you want to hear both sides of a debate, check out the Debate Halls, where experts on both sides of an issue can come to debate with each other. Sometimes, when there's no clear answer, or the issue is outside my area of expertise, a debate is the only way to get to the bottom of it.


Navigating the Site


Navigation on this website is simple enough. The site is divided into several main sections, each of which might have several subcategories, with the articles in those. To get to the content, simply figure out what category it fits in and go there. From the main page, you should be able to get wherever you want to go (and you should be able to get back to the main page from any other page you find yourself looking at).


A Note on Peer Review

Since there are some scientific articles here, I felt like I should make a note on peer review. As this is not a professional scientific publication, I don't have any strict peer review rules. Of course, I always strive for accuracy, but it would not be possible for me to have a formal review of every article on this website.

Naturally, I always try to check my facts (including with experts), but there's a possibility that I might be wrong about something. If you do happen to notice any errors, please contact me immediately, so that I can correct it. You readers can play the role of peer reviewers for this website.


A Note on the Topics

One of my goals with this website is to expose people to as many new ideas as I can. The only way I know how to do that is to make the information available all in one place (this website), so people are more likely to stumble across something they might not otherwise read.

With that in mind, people are likely to find things that make them uncomfortable. I welcome this. I've always been an iconoclast.

Varying opinions and disagreement are always welcome around here. Indeed, they're encouraged (to a degree). All I ask is that if you come across something with which you had not been familiar, don't immediately mock it--give it a chance, read the information, and form an educated opinion.

If you happen to find something offensive (as I've no doubt many of you will, considering the wide range of topics), please do just one thing: think it over.

I don't expect everyone to always agree with everything I say. In fact, I hope people don't always agree with me on everything (then this would be a borning website to maintain). What I do expect of you is an educated opinion. If something offends you, think about why it offends you.


A Note on Censorship

While I do not censor or advocate the censorship of ideas, there are some ideas I refuse to endorse. This website is my kingdom, and I'll say or not say whatever I want. I respect your right to do the same on your website.

If you believe I've made a mistake and left a topic off my website, you're more than welcome to tell me. However, if I have decided that I do not agree with a particular idea, I'm not going to endorse it here, whether someone wants it or not.

By the same token, if you find something on this website to be offensive, you're welcome to politely tell me about it. But letters demanding I remove something because it's offensive are not appreciated, and will not recieve a polite response.

You're free to say or not say anything you want and so am I. You're free to read or not read anything you want and so am I. I respect your rights. Respect mine, and even if we disagree, I think we can probably get alone just fine.


A Brief Note on the Title

This website is called In Bob We Trust. I thought it was a clever play on words, and while I hope you find me trustworthy and my articles informative, I certainly don't want you to blindly believe anything I say. So in that regard, you should not trust in Bob. Just take the title as a joke and always question authority, mine included.


With all that said, I hope you enjoy your stay at In Bob We Trust and find your time here informative and entertaining.


Praise Bob!

Bob's Bio



Last updated on:

Tuesday, November 13, 2007