Debate Halls


Sometimes the best way to understand an issue is to hear proponents of both sides present their case in a formal debate scenario. If that's what you're looking for, you've found the right place.

Note that the debates may not always follow the same guidelines. The format for each debate may vary according to the issue in question and the preferences of the debaters. In all cases, I will make every attempt to keep the debates on topic and civilized, while always avoiding censorship of ideas. All debaters will be allowed to speak their minds.

DEBATERS WANTED: I'm currently looking for experts to debate the issue of evolution vs. creationism. Debaters must be prepared to present the evidence for their side of the issue, and must also be prepared to debate the political side (particularly, what should be taught in public schools).

I am also looking for debaters to discuss 9/11 Conspiracy Theories. Debaters should be prepared to present a thorough defense of their position, including scientific evidence, political discussions, et cetera.

If you're interested, please apply by clicking here. Please put "IBWT-[topic] Debate" in the subject field. In the body of the e-mail, you should include the following: Your name and contact information, which side of the debate you would like to present, your qualifications to speak on this issue. You should also include your two best arguments for your side of the debate, to give me an idea of how well you can present your points.

Alternatively, you may apply at the IBWT Message Board (scroll down to the "Formal Debates" forum and you should be able to find your way from there).

If you're chosen as one of the debaters, you will be contacted well in advance, so the rules of the debate may be determined and agreed to by all parties prior to the debate taking place.


9/11 Conspiracy Theories
(coming soon)

Evolution vs. Creationism
(coming soon)



