New Age


Some of the "new age" flim-flam fits the definition of "fraud" perfectly. Some is just mystical humbug that isn't really a scam, but certainly isn't worth believing in.

For those of you who don't know, New Age is a mystical philosophy that includes such pseudosciences as Tarot cards, crystals, vortexes, astrology and so on.

There's a lot of overlap between simple New Age and the so-called psychics. So to make things a bit simpler, I'll tell you how I'm trying to divide things. Tarot cards, I consider New Age, and I'll put that sort of stuff hear. Palm readers, on the other hand, I put in with the psychics. It's a fine line, to be sure, but I calls 'em as I sees 'em.

Bob's Psychic Humbug Detection Kit
(includes some New Age humbug)


