Frauds & Scams


This is the place where we'll go after the con-men and expose their scams. To a certain extent, this entire website is devoted to the debunking of humbug, but this section is where you'll get the best of the best in debunking.

Note: Humbug is wide-spread. If you can think of a topic, you can bet there's probably some humbug related to it. It would be very difficult for me to create a section for every category of humbug, so what I've tried to do is create several very broad categories, within which you'll find more narrow selections.


The Libertarian Answer to Fraud

Bob's Humbug Detection Kit


Religious Humbug

From the Shroud of Turin to weeping statues of Jesus, con-men have a major cash cow in religion.


From the television psychics who speak to the dead, to the "faith healers," it's very easy for even a mediocre magician to convince people he has supernatural powers.

Medical Humbug

There's too much suffering in the world, and this has provided a perfect opportunity for quacks to take advantage of the desperate.

New Age

Tarot cards, vortexes, crystals...the list goes on and on.

Aliens & Demons

People hallucinate all the time. Commonly, it's called "dreaming." But some people believe they're seeing aliens or demons (this is also the section in which to find "Near Death Experiences" and the like).

Ghosts & Spirits

I can't say for certain that there's no such thing as ghosts or spirits. But I can tell you that almost all, if not all, of the reported cases are humbug.

Pure Fraud

Here, we're talking about the "traditional" con men: the people who will trick you into giving them money by pure fraud, without any supernatural or medical excuse.

Other Humbug

These categories will never cover it all, so if it doesn't fit, check here.



Last updated:

Monday, August 6, 2007